Dear Guests, Benefactors, and Friends of St. Francis of Assisi School,
Welcome to the 18th Annual St. Francis of Assisi School Auction! This year’s theme is “Live from Roy, it’s Saturday Night”! For many, this phrase is all too familiar late-night live sketch show on NBC, which has aired since 1975, close to 5 decades, affectionately known as “SNL”.
However, for those who fashion themselves as Catholic historians would know the real and true “SNL” began in 1967 when the Saturday Vigil Mass was allowed to be celebrated and offered to fulfill one’s Sunday obligation.
For this reason, “SNL” is an evening gathering for people of faith to not only offer and celebrate praise, thanksgiving, and gratitude to God, but it is an opportunity for family, friends, and community to renew our commitment and dedication to what God calls each of us: “Love kindness, act justly, and walk humbly” with the Lord (Micah 6:8).
This year, as we once again gather as a community of parishioners, school families, donors,
benefactors, and friends of St. Francis of Assisi School, we are celebrating the Church’s Mission
of Catholic education and formation of our youth to become faith-filled Christians, responsible
citizens, effective communicators, and self-aware individuals who “love kindness, act justly and walk humbly."
In other words, Christian disciples who are empathetic (love kindness) by giving each person
what is their due as a person made in God’s image (act justly) through the sharing of their gifts,
talents, and resources, expecting nothing in return (walk humbly). The school staff, faculty, and
administration are committed to cultivating this type of discipleship for each of our students. We
are grateful that your financial support and resources make it possible for us to continue to be
entrusted with the awesome responsibility and privilege to teach and educate each
So, tonight, as we are “Live from Roy, it’s Saturday Night,” may this be an evening filled with
fun, laughter, joy, and hope of a community united and committed to Catholic Education and
Formation that instills, inspires, cultivates, creates, nurtures, and maintains students who will be proud graduates and alums from St. Francis of Assisi who make a difference and impact in the world through their actions. In the words of our patron, St. Francis of Assisi:
Preach the Gospel, and use words when necessary!
Gratefully in Christ,
Jannelle Mayo, Principal
Fr. Michael Vuky, Pastor